The University of New Hampshire is partnering with Common Sense Education (www.commonsense.org) to evaluate their Digital Citizenship Curriculum.
Principal Investigator
Lisa Jones, PhD, University of New Hampshire
Research Team
Alli Adams, Research Associate, University of New Hampshire
Deirdre Colburn, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of New Hampshire
Gina Zwerling Kahn, Research Associate, University of New Hampshire
Study Information
This study is an implementation and evaluation of the Digital Citizenship Curriculum by Common Sense Education. Led by the University of New Hampshire, this initiative aims to learn more about how youth use the internet today, and their beliefs surrounding topics like internet safety, digital well-being, and media literacy. Participating schools will administer a pre and post survey and teach six Digital Citizenship lessons per grade in the 2024-2025 school year.
Common Sense Education’s K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum was designed and developed in partnership with Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education -- and guided by research with thousands of educators. The Curriculum includes 6 lessons per grade, one per topic:
- Media Balance & Well-Being
- Digital Footprint & Identity
- Privacy & Security
- Relationships & Communication
- Cyberbullying and Digital Drama
- News & Media Literacy
Over 70% of U.S. schools use our curriculum, and over a million teachers use it worldwide. This important research will be used to inform Common Sense Education and other educators about the effectiveness of digital citizenship programming.
Participating schools will gain access to Common Sense Education’s full Digital Citizenship Curriculum (including professional development and family engagement resources) to help promote digital citizenship and online safety within their school communities. Benefits include:
- Access to support from Common Sense in implementing the Digital Citizenship Program
- Tailored reports on students' internet safety and digital citizenship behaviors
- Badges of recognition as Common Sense Recognized Schools
- A stipend of $2,000 to support their schools' participation
Middle schools teaching grades 6 through 8 that aren't already implementing Common Sense Education’s Digital Citizenship program regularly with students.
For more information
Lisa Jones, Ph.D.
Crimes against Children Research Center
University of New Hampshire
10 West Edge Drive, Ste. 106
Durham, NH 03824-3586
Phone (603)862-2515
Email: lisa.jones@snsxedu.net
Project email: dig.cit.eval@snsxedu.net