Shoals Marine Lab is located on Appledore Island, one of nine islands in the Isles of Shoals archipelago, located 6 nautical miles off the coast of Seacoast New Hampshire and Maine:
Marine Science Classes at Shoals Marine Lab
High school students who have completed Grades 10-12 can earn college credits in the Shoals Marine Lab (SML) intensive marine science courses.
SML is located on Appledore Island, Maine -- off the coast of Portsmouth, NH. The lab is a leader in marine science education, research, and outreach distinguished by our top-notch academic programming and innovative collaborations. SML provides invaluable pre-college experience for motivated high school students.
Please Note: Although there may be an indication of "This course is currently unavailable," please visit the program website for current information.
2025 Classes:
Marine Environmental Science
Intro to the Biology of Sharks, Skates & Rays
Maine Vertebrates of the Gulf of Maine
For the program website: Shoals Marine Laboratory