Resource | Year | Topic | Type |
Practices and Policies Around Wellness: Insights From the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Network Mitchell KJ, Gewirtz-Meydan A, O'Brien J and Finkelhor D (2022) Practices and Policies Around Wellness: Insights From the Internet Crimes…
2022 | Vicarious Trauma | Paper |
Sexual posttraumatic stress among investigators of child sexual abuse material Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Mitchell, K. J., & O’Brien, J. E. (2023). Sexual posttraumatic stress among investigators of child sexual abuse material.…
2023 | Vicarious Trauma | Paper |
Correlates of intimate relationship satisfaction among investigators of child sexual abuse material Gewirtz-Meydan A, O'Brien JE and Mitchell KJ (2023) Correlates of intimate relationship satisfaction among investigators of child sexual abuse…
2023 | Vicarious Trauma | Paper |
The mental health of officials who regularly examine child sexual abuse material: strategies for harm mitigation. Mitchell, K.J., Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Finkelhor, D. et al. The mental health of officials who regularly examine child sexual abuse material: strategies…
2023 | Vicarious Trauma | Paper |
Trauma and Resiliency Among Police Investigating Child Sexual Abuse Materials Overview of study with 500 police investigators and forensic examiners who investigate crimes involving child sexual abuse materials. This…
2024 | Vicarious Trauma | Infographic |
How to Improve Wellness Among Staff Investigating CSAM? Key recommendations for ICAC Task Forces and Their Affiliate Agencies
2024 | Vicarious Trauma | Infographic |
Strategies Police Use to Promote Wellbeing When Reviewing Child Sexual Abuse Material for Work How police promote wellbeing when reviewing child sexual abuse materials for work. This infographic has a focus on statistics.
2024 | Vicarious Trauma | Infographic |
How Risky is Online Sexting by Minors? David Finkelhor, Samantha Sutton, Heather Turner & Deirdre Colburn
(08 Mar 2024): How Risky is Online Sexting by Minors?, Journal of Child…
2024 | Technology/Internet Victimization | Paper |
ASC Conference Presentation: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of the Not a Number Anti-Trafficking Prevention Program with High School Students Jones, L.M., O’Brien, J., & Graham, S. (2023). A quasi-experimental evaluation of the Not a Number anti-trafficking prevention program with high…
2023 | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Evaluation | Paper |
Not A #Number: Child Trafficking and Exploitation Prevention Program Pre-Post Course Evaluation Findings Jones, L.M. & Sessarego, S. (2017). Not A #Number child trafficking and exploitation prevention program: Pre-post course evaluation findings.…
2017 | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Evaluation | Paper |
Do State Child Abuse and Neglect Policies Address Sibling Abuse? (SAARA Bulletin #6) This bulletin explores how U.S. state-level child abuse and neglect laws and policies can be applied to sibling abuse cases.
2024 | Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse | Bulletin |
Evaluation of the Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Curriculum The University of New Hampshire is partnering with Common Sense Education ( to evaluate their Digital Citizenship Curriculum.
2023 | Evaluation | Project |
Demographic Variation in Sibling Aggression and Abuse (SAARA Bulletin #5) This bulletin reviews variation in sibling aggression rates and perceptions by race and ethnicity, gender, social class, ability, and sexual identity.
2023 | Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse | Bulletin |
What is the Line: When Does Sibling Conflict, Teasing, and Roughhousing Become Something More Serious? (SAARA Bulletin #4) This bulletin provides guidance on identifying when sibling behavior has crossed the line.
2023 | Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse | Bulletin |
Victimization and abuse among children with disabilities: Age adjusted rates in a US national sample Vanderminden, J., Finkelhor, D., Hamby, S., & Turner, H. (2023). Victimization and abuse among children with disabilities: Age adjusted rates in…
2023 | General Child Victimization | Paper |
Resources for Professionals and Parents to Improve Sibling Relationships (SAARA Bulletin #3) The goal of this bulletin is to provide guidance for parents and professionals on preventing and responding to sibling aggression and abuse.
2023 | Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse | Bulletin |
Recommendations for Parents on Managing Sibling Conflict and Aggression (SAARA Bulletin #2) This bulletin provides guidance to parents on how to manage sibling conflict, as well as what to do when sibling conflict goes too far.
2023 | Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse | Bulletin |
Levels of support for legislative bans to end physical punishment in schools and homes in a national sample Fleckman, J. M., Taylor, C. A., Gershoff, E., Finkelhor, D., Holden, G. W., & Klika, B. (2023). Levels of support for legislative bans to end…
2023 | General Child Victimization | Paper |
Disentangling Sibling Rivalry from Aggression and Abuse (SAARA Bulletin #1) This bulletin distinguishes rivalry, aggression, and abuse in sibling relationships.
2023 | Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse | Bulletin |
Perpetrators’ Identity in Online Crimes against Children: A Meta-analysis Sutton, S., and Finkelhor, D. (2023). Perpetrators’ Identity in Online Crimes against Children: A Meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,…
2023 | Technology/Internet Victimization | Paper |